Friday, January 31, 2014

Rarity Scan #1: Fox Hats

Howdy Jammers! I thought I'd do a little rarity scan, because I haven't posted much. Sorry!

Anyway, today's scan is for....

Picture credit goes to
 Fox hats are a very popular, non-member item in Jamaa. Many Jammers want them, and they are very popular among all genders. They were an RIM, then taking out, and then put back in for another RIM.

In my opinion, fox hats are super cute and look great on any animal. I have four, and I wear them a lot. :-)

Anyway, this is my opinion on which one is rarest and un-rarest. I'm probably not accurate, but I'm just guessing. On this chart, #1 would be the rarest, and #8 would be least rarest.

  1. Purple/Indigo Fox Hat
  2. Red Fox Hat
  3. White Fox Hat
  4. Pink Fox Hat
  5. Light Blue Fox Hat
  6. Dark Blue Fox Hat
  7. Light Orange Fox Hat
  8. Orange Fox Hat
Hope this helped! Have a great day!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Hiya There

Hiya! Does anyone still view this blog? I haven't had a comment in a while. Still, I like posting. If you are viewing the blog, though, feel free to comment :)

Anyway, I made a little makeover to the blog, and made it a little Valentine-ish.

I've also decided to post about these certain things only: 
  • Rarity Scans
  • New Parties
  • New Animals/Pets
  • Stories/ Drawings
  • Pictures
So yeah, that's what I have planned for the blog. I can't take pictures all the time, so I'm sorry if I can't get pictures.

See you around, Jammers!

Pretty leaves :3

Saturday, January 25, 2014


Hi guys, I quit blogging for a while, I'm sorry! I've sort of lost interest.

I'll still post a little on here, but not often, and not about daily items, just random things. I'm still on AJ, just so you know!

Anyway, see you later Jammers! :)
